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April 11, 2024ITP Aero unveils DigitAl AeroTM, its state-of-the-art AI-based digital engine management platform
This innovative technology is the next stage of ITP Aero’s successful Engine Diagnosis and Health Monitoring (EDHM) tool.
It offers significantly more processing power than EDHM and is specifically designed for airline engines, providing comprehensive flight data diagnostics.
At the MRO Americas trade show in Chicago, ITP Aero presented its exclusive DigitAl Aero software, an advanced artificial intelligence-based digital engine management platform. DigitAl Aero is the progression of ITP Aero’s effective Engine Diagnosis and Health Monitoring (EDHM) tool, which was initially developed for the engines of the S92 helicopters in 2017 and is now in operation on 235 helicopters and aircrafts worldwide.
While EDHM can analyze 28,800 engine parameters readings in a matter of minutes, DigitAl Aero has substantially increased processing power and can complete the task in a fraction of the time, catering to the specific needs of airlines by providing complete flight data diagnostic capabilities.
DigitAl Aero employs artificial intelligence to analyze full flight data in order to calculate estimated engine removal dates. It also features a chatbot that enables users to engage in real-time conversations and access a vast amount of information and documents. Another advantage is the high level of customization possible, offering users tools that can streamline their daily tasks and decision-making processes.
Pablo Fuentes, Head of MRO at ITP Aero, said: “The launch of DigitAI Aero is a result of our ongoing discussions with various airlines. It aims to fulfil their need to leverage complete flight data instead of limited snapshot-based solutions, so that they may centralize information and transform a wealth of data into practical action plans”.
Louis Trollope
Communications Manager
M: (+34) 670 850 903