July 3, 2023

ITP Aero and Code.org bring computational thinking to schoolchildren in Bilbao

This initiative promotes the learning of programming and computational thinking among children aged 9 to 14. In this new edition, and thanks to the collaboration of the aeronautical company and Bilbao City Council, children from Kidegune in Basurto, Gaztegune in Otxarkoaga and Makergunea in La Perrera will also participate. ITP Aero and Code.org are taking this Bootcamp to the company's facilities in Mexico and the United Kingdom for the first time.
May 18, 2023

ITP Aero brings together the Spanish ecosystem that will participate in the engine pillar of the FCAS

The event, organised by ITP Aero within FEINDEF defence trade fair in Madrid, has brought together more than 20 companies, technology centres and universities. The FCAS engine pillar is the technology development project led by ITP Aero with the largest pull effect on the Spanish technological ecosystem.
April 19, 2023

ITP Aero receives Pratt & Whitney Canada DOF appointment for PW200 engines

Pratt & Whitney Canada has appointed world leading aircraft engine and components manufacturer ITP Aero a Designated Overhaul Facility (DOF) for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of PW200 engines at ITP Aero’s facilities in Albacete, Spain.